Project meeting in the Allgäu region
The snow-covered Alps formed the backdrop for the second DIONE-X project partner meeting, which brought together more than 20 participants in the Allgäu region from 10 to 11 February. In addition to valuable insights at two partner production sites, project updates and workshops were the focus of the event.
Exploring the world of machine tools
The event kicked off on 10 January with the annual Open House Days of the project partner DMG Mori in Pfronten, one of the group’s most important development and largest production plants in Europe. During a guided tour, the participants learned more about the production of CNC machines – from machines of the versatile monoBLOCK series up to impressive XXL machines – as well as about current challenges. DMG Mori, dessen Standort in Pfronten zu den wichtigsten Entwicklungs- und größten Produktionswerken der Unternehmensgruppe in Europa zählt. Von vielseitigen Maschinen der monoBLOCK-Baureihe bis hin zu beeindruckenden XXL-Maschinen konnten die Teilnehmer im Rahmen eines Werks-Rundgangs mehr über die Fertigung von CNC-Maschinen und aktuelle Herausforderungen erfahren.
Hiking tour meets project update
Afterwards, the first part of the project update took place at an altitude of 1,180 meters. In addition to the DSGVO-compliant cloud solution Exoscale (A1 Digital) and the Cumulocity IoT platform (Software AG), the Austrian-German partner project EuProGigant was also introduced to the participants at the Hündeleskopfhütte. Which synergies and technologies can be used? How can these be integrated into the DIONE-X project and what are the next steps? These are just some of the questions that were part of the discussions.A1 Digital) und der Cumulocity IoT-Plattform (Software AG) auch das österreichisch-deutsche Partnerprojekt EuProGigant vorgestellt. Welche Synergien und Technologien können genutzt werden? Wie lassen sich diese in das Projekt DIONE-X integrieren und wie sehen die nächsten Schritte aus? Dies sind nur einige Fragen, die hierbei im Mittelpunkt standen.

The following day was all about work packages and use cases: At the premises of the sensor experts pro-micron, the participants discussed potential business models in addition to status updates from the work packages. In moderated workshops, the groups worked on the so-called Value Proposition Canvas as well as a Business Model Canvas for the different use cases, which support the development and revision of innovative and complex business models. During these sessions, the three project-related use cases were in the focus: pro-micron diskutierten die Teilnehmer neben Statusupdates aus den Arbeitsgruppen auch potenzielle Geschäftsmodelle. In moderierten Workshops erstellten die Gruppen für jeweils einen Use Case eine sogenannte Value Proposition sowie eine Business Modell Canvas, die bei der Entwicklung und Überarbeitung innovativer und komplexer Geschäftsmodelle unterstützen. Konkret ging es um die drei projektbezogenen Anwendungsfälle
- Collaborative Condition Monitoring & Smart Service Planning,,
- individualised KPI dashboard and
- optimised use of tools..
The project meeting was completed by a tour of the new building and the manufacturing areas of pro-micron, whose intelligent sensor system solutions not only support the analysis and monitoring of production but also enables the prediction of quality results in real-time.
More information about the use cases in the DIONE-X project.